
This screen provides an overview of all sales in the store.

Step 1: Sales Search
  • Select the Sales/Orders option from the Main menu. 
  • On the Sales Instore page, click Sales Search.

Step 2: 

In the sales grid, use the fields listed below to search

  • Stock code 
  • Customer Name
  • Receipt No.
  • Staff Name
  • From Date
  • To Date


To search for sales by time frame, use the buttons below. When you click the timeframe button, the fields From Date and To Date will populate with dates.


By entering your fields and choosing your time frame, you can filter your results by clicking on the Search button.


By clicking the Reset button, all search fields will be cleared and the forms will be left blank.

Step 3:

Sales Instore Grid 

The following fields provide a grid view of all sales:

  • Receipt No.
  • Till 
  • Date Sold 
  • Total
  • Sold By
  • Customer 


Using the sort icon at the column header, you can sort the values in the grid in ascending or descending order.


Using the pulldown at the upper left corner of the grid, you can control the number of records that appear in the grid.


By clicking the top right corner of the grid, you will be able to download the spreadsheet for Sales Instore in Excel.


To navigate between pages, use the pagination in the bottom right corner of the grid.


Step 4:

Clicking on any row in the grid opens a separate tab that displays the following basic details:  

  • Receipt Number (in an editable input box with an option to enter the receipt number required and jump to that sale's details) 
  • Customer 
  • Date/Time 
  • Sold By 
  • Branch/Till 
  • Till Oper 
  • Disc 
  • Disc Reason
  •  Paid 
  • Total Qty 
  • Gross
Transactional details are displayed in a grid under the columns below (All are read only fields).
  • Stock Code 
  • Brand 
  • Description
  • Colour
  • Size
  • Retails
  • Qty
  • Total 


The payment details are shown in the grid under the following columns (All are read-only fields).

  • Receipt No
  • Scheme
  • AuthCode 
  • Remarks  
  • Account 


In the top right corner of the page, click Print to print the sale details.