This screen is used when you have changed stock levels that do not relate to losses - i.e., when you need to adjust stock levels for an exceptional or abnormal circumstance at a specified Location/Store/Warehouse.
When using this screen, choosing the right reason will help you to report on stock adjustments and allow your accountant to record the changes in the correct categories. Units given are then moved from your Stock In Hand to On Hold. The stock will be returned to In Hand status by using negative numbers
This article describes how to search for stock adjustments and record a new adjustment.
1. From the main menu, select Stock Control, then Stock Adjustment.
2. The following screen will be displayed to the user:
Search for Stock Adjustment:
1. Below are the fields you can use to find stock adjustments:
- Location: Select the location of the store from the pulldown menu.
- Search: Enter either the stock code or the full or partial title of the product.
2. After selecting the location and/or entering the search parameters:
- Click the Search button to narrow the results.
- The Reset button clears all fields and leaves the search form empty.
- To add a new Stock adjustment record to the list, click the New button.
3. All stock adjustment records will be displayed in a grid under the following fields.
- Branch
- Stock Code
- Product Title
- Stock in Hand
- Adjusted YTD
- The sort icon
present at the column header allows you to sort values in ascending or descending order in the grid.
- The top left corner of the grid has a pulldown menu that lets you control the number of records displayed.
- You can export the data in excel spreadsheet by using export button
present at the top right corner of the screen.
- Page navigation is available at the bottom right corner of the grid.
Record a Stock adjustment:
1. Click on New button to insert new Stock adjustment into the list.
2. Enter the stock that needs to be adjusted in the following fields:
Store: Use the drop-down menu to select the store where you want to adjust the stock.
Stock Code: Enter the product unique code which you want to adjust.
Adjustment Qty: Input the number of products you want to adjust.
- You can increase the quantity by just entering a number. The product's Adjustment Qty is now increased by the given number.
- If you want to decrease the products from the adjusted values, use – (Minus) as the prefix. It reduces the Adjustment Qty of a product by the specified number
Reason: Choose a reason from the available pulldown to describe why you want to adjust the quantity.
3. Once all details are entered:
• Select Save & New to save this record and add another to the stock adjustment list.
• Select Save & Close to save this record to the Stock adjustment list and close the pop-up window.
• Clicking Cancel will not save changes made to the product and closes the pop-up window.