Overview: You can edit the dimensions of multiple variants of a product on this screen, including length, width, depth, girth, and weight. 

  1. Browse the product from the main menu and click Attributes.


   2. The user is presented with the following Product Attribute screen


  3. In the search field, enter either Stock code, style code, or product title, and click on the           search button to narrow down the results.


         If you click on Reset, the entered value by the user will be cleared out.


 4. A spreadsheet can be exported by clicking on the Excel icon in the results.

 5.   To change the columns display: 

  • Click the Columns button to choose which columns need to be edited.

  • The Show all Columns button can be used to unhide all hidden columns.

6. The bottom of the screen has a pagination bar that lets you switch between pages.

7. To enable the edit function, click on the edit button.


8. Clicking on the edit button will allow you to update highlighted fields.

Once you have edited the attributes:

9. Click the Save button to save your changes.

10. A click on the Cancel button will abort any changes and return you to the previous screen.