
The screen allows you to delete a variant.

1. Browse to the Products from the main menu and click  Search.

2. The user is presented with the following Product Search screen, which displays the top 100            products.

3. Users can look up product information using the search field, or they can choose a product from        the top 100 list that is displayed in a grid.


  • Click on Search button to narrow down results

  • If you click on Reset, The values entered by the user in the search field will be removed.
  • If you click New, you will be able to create a product.


4. Based on the user's search, all product records will be displayed in a grid.

5. The user have to choose a product from the grid, after which they will be redirected to the product information, as shown below.

6.  Variants for each product, as illustrated below, will be available under product details.


7. If a user wishes to delete a variant, he or she can do so by clicking on the delete sign located        on the right side of each variant.


 Note: If the product has only two variants and the user wishes to delete one of them, there will                 be no variant grid available after the deletion.

8.  When a user clicks on the delete sign of a variant, a popup will appear asking the user to confirm      the deletion.

If the user selects yes, the specific variant will be removed from the product.