
This screen provides an overview of all GRN's in your system.

Step 1: Navigation
  • Select the Purchase/Receive option from the main menu. 
  • On the Receive Stock (GRNs) page, click Search GRN's.

The screen that follows will appear. 

Step 2: GRN Search

Fill in the fields below to search for GRN's.

  • Supplier
  • Search
  • GRN Status

Click on the Search button to narrow down the results into a grid.

By clicking the Reset button, all search fields will be cleared and the forms will be left blank.

By clicking the New Button, you will be redirected to the Create New GRN screen.

Using the sort icon at the column header, you can sort the values in the grid in ascending or descending order.


Using the pulldown at the upper left corner of the grid, you can control the number of records that appear in the grid.


You can download the spreadsheet for GRN's in the grid in Excel by clicking the export button in the top right corner of the grid.


To navigate between pages, use the pagination in the bottom right corner of the grid.