
This screen helps you to create GRN(Good Receive Note) against PO.

Step 1: Navigation
  • Select the Purchase/Receive option from the main menu. 
  • On the Receive Stock (GRNs) page, click Create GRN (Bin Batch).

The screen that follows will appear. 

Step 2: Create GRN

Fill in the fields below to create a new GRN.

  • Supplier
  • Received Location

Click on the Save button to generate the GRN number.

Step 3: Add Lines

Click on Add Lines button to add the products to GRN.

Once you click on the Add Lines button, the following screen will appear.

  • when you click on the Pur. order code field you can see all the Purchase orders created for this supplier.
  • You can choose the purchase order from the list that you wish to create GRN against to PO.
  • Click on the filter button to narrow down the results under the grid 

  • Add the received quantity on the lines and click on Add to GRN button 

The lines are added to the GRN after you click the Add to GRN button.

Check the lines and allocate the GRN. 

  • Click Allocate button to allocate the GRN