Overview: This screen helps in the search for the inventory.
1. From the main menu, select Stock Control, then Inventory Lookup
2. The following screen will be displayed to the user:
Search for Inventory:
1. Below are the fields you can use to find Inventory:
- Location: Select the location of the store from the pulldown menu.
- Search: Enter either the stock code or the full or partial title of the product.
2. After selecting the location and/or entering the search parameters:
- Click the Search button to narrow the results.
- The Reset button clears all fields and leaves the search form empty.
3. Inventory will be displayed in a grid under the following fields.
- Branch
- Stock Code
- Product Title
- Opt
- Stock
- On Hold
- Shrink
- Adjusted
- Damaged
- Rec.d
- Sold
- The sort icon
present at the column header allows you to sort values in ascending or descending order in the grid.
- The top left corner of the grid has a pulldown menu that lets you control the number of records displayed.
- You can export the data in excel spreadsheet by using export button
present at the top right corner of the screen.
- Page navigation is available at the bottom right corner of the grid.