Overview: Metafields is a shopify feature that allows users to build custom fields to products, variants, collections etc. and possibly to use that to create filters on the customer facing side of the website.

Create Metafields in Shopify: 


Login to Shopify website and click Settings from the left bottom of the screen




Step 1: Go to Shopify's Settings and select the section where we want to add a custom field. (eg: Products)

Step 2:  Once you select a section, you will be taken to that section’s individual screen; for example, if you select Products, you will be taken to the Products metafields definition’s. Then Click on Add definition button in the top right corner to add a new field to the products.


Step 3: After clicking on the Add definition you will be taken to the below screen to add Name, Namespace and key, Description

  •  Click the Select content type in the above screen, you can select the field type and field validation, and then save your changes by clicking Save at the top of the screen. 
  • After you've created the Field, go to the Product metafield definitions screen to see the fields you've made.


Map Shopify Metafields in Modulus: 

After creating Metafields in Shopify, you must build the same fields in Modulus with the exact field information using Admin/Setup page. Once you replicate Metafields in Modulus, you can add and update the values of the fields using Product screen. Upon SAVE, it will then be updated in Shopify. 


Create Metafields in Modulus: 

Step 1: Go to Admin/Setup page, then click on Metafields



The following screen will appear




Step 2: Click the New button to create a new Metafield. 

The following window will be popup once you clicked on New button. 

These values MUST match the values in Shopify.

Then click Save & New button or the Save & Close button.



Currently, there is no option in Shopify to validate the metafields definitions upon creation or updates. So, make sure you are keying in precise values into Modulus exactly as given in Shopify Metafields.