
This screen will show you how many orders were not dispatched, broken down by the number of days.

Step 1: Navigation
  • Select the D2C/Website option from the main menu. 
  •  click Aged Orders  from Operations  

The following screen will be displayed  

Step 2:

You can see in the screenshot above that all orders from the previous day—that is, all but a few of them—were shipped out.

Order: This helps you to see the Order Number 

Order Dt.: The date that order downloaded in to Modulus 

Status: This helps to see the status of the order

Mode: This shows the mode of picking(Bay pick, Screen pick, Print)

Qty: This helps to see the quantity of the order 

Days: This shows from how many days the order is older

Export button helps you to download the orders 

Click on eye icon helps you to redirect to Order Enquiry screen