To prevent stock from being sold from your chosen Location/Store/Warehouse, you can put part or all of it on hold. The stock may need to be reserved for a specific client or quarantined for any reason.
As a result, units given are removed from your Stock In Hand account and placed on hold. Stock can be brought back to Stock In Hand by using negative numbers.
This article describes how to search for a stock on hold, place a stock on hold, and release a stock on hold.
1. From the main menu, navigate to Stock Control and select Stock on Hold.
2. The following screen will be displayed to the user:
Search Stock on Hold:
1. Search in Stock on Hold grid using the fields below
- Store: Select the store from the pulldown menu
- Search: Using this field you can search the records by giving part or full values of stock code, product title.
2. After selecting the appropriate store and/or entering the search parameters:
- Click the Search button to narrow the results.
- The Reset button clears all fields and leaves the search form empty.
- To add a new Stock adjustment record to the list, click the New button.
3. Under the following fields, you will see all of the saved stock on hold entries in a grid.
- Branch
- Stock Code
- Description
- Stock in Hand
- On Hold
- The sort icon
present at the column header allows you to sort values in ascending or descending order in the grid.
- The top left corner of the grid has a pulldown menu that lets you control the number of records displayed.
- You can export the data in excel spreadsheet by clicking on the export button
present at the top right corner of the screen.
- Page navigation is available at the bottom right corner of the grid.
Add Stock on Hold
1. To add a new Stock on Hold to the list, click the +New button.
2. The following fields need to be filled out with the stock that needs to be held.
- Store: Select where you wish to place the stock on hold using the pull down menu.
- Stock Code: Enter the unique code of the item you want to place on hold.
- Qty On Hold: Number of products you want to place on hold or release from hold.
- You can add the products to a hold by entering the number. Increasing the number of products on hold, the Quantity on hold increases.
- To release products from hold, use - (Minus) as a prefix. Using this feature, you can reduce the quantity on hold of any product by the specified amount.
- Reason: Use the pulldown menu to select a reason for holding the stock.
3. Once the form is filled:
- To save this record and add another to the stock on hold list, select Save & New.
- To save this record to the stock on hold list and close the pop up, click Save & Close.
- Choosing Cancel will not save the changes made to the product, and closes the pop-up window.