
It is the classification and organization of the products on the website. Products will have attributes associated with them that describe them further.

For example: Depending on what a garment is used for, the categories can range from casual wear to sportswear, formal wear, and accessories.

This article describes searching, creating, editing, and deleting categories from master data.

Step 1: 
  1. Go to Configuration from the main menu.

  2. Click the categories icon from the configuration.

Step 2: Navigation

All existing entities are in the list when you click the Categories. 


Step 3: Navigation
  1. Enter the value (category name) in the search field to filter the Categories, or just click the search button to display the list of Categories.
    • Search- Enter a category code, name, or form name in part or full sentences to filter the results.
    • Reset- Clicking the reset button will clear all search entries from the field.
    • On the screen, you can adjust the number of records displayed using the pull-down menu.
    • The pagination window in the bottom right corner of the screen allows you to browse between pages.
    • The sort icon present on each tile allows the data to be sorted in ascending or descending order.
    Step 4: Navigation 
    Add a new category

    a. To add new subcategory, click the +New button in the results heading. 

    b. The user is then presented with a set of fields to fill in for a new master data entry. 

    c. Enter a new category name and any notes.

    d. Once the information has been entered:  
    • Click the Save & New button to save the department and create a new entry. 
    • Choosing Save & Close will save the entry and dismiss the window. 
    • When you click on Cancel, the changes are aborted.