Overview: This article explains the fields in POs and GRNs while creating them. 

Figure 1>>>>Adding Products to the PO's


 Stock Code: This field helps to find the stock code of a product

 Product Title: Title of the Product

 Supp.Ref:  This field provides the Supplier unique code for the product 

 Cost:  This field helps to find the cost of a product 

            Note: The cost is by default set to the product's current cost. The user has the                               option to modify the cost when creating a PO; once the GRN has been                                 created against the PO, the modified cost will reflect back to the                                            product screen.


 Disc: This field helps to find the discount applied in % 

 Price(RRP): This field helps  in locating the Price after tax but its not a selling price

                   Note: The Price(RRP)is by default set to the product's current Price. When                                     creating a PO, the user can modify the price; once the GRN is created                                   against the PO, the modified price will be reflected back to the product                               screen.

Ord Qty.: This field helps to find the ordered quantity